The Ultimate Musicality Course For Dancers
Do you want to take your musicality understanding and expression abilities to infinity and beyond?

Pardon the corny use of Buzz Lightyear's catchphrase, but I'm super excited to share this idea that has been living inside my soul and spirit for way too long!
I am currently building an online course for dancers that will cover all the ins and outs around breaking down musicality like never before specifically for dancers!
This course will be epic because I am combining two worlds of experience and skillsets I've acquired over my lifetime around music and dance. The first world is my experience as a musician in my early years, social dancer across multiple dance styles, dance instructor, DJ, producer, and event organizer.
The second world is my overall analytical nerdiness, passion and high level ability for teaching, graphic design skills, and video animation and editing skills. I'm super excited to bringing all of my unique experiences and skills together to teach one of my favorite subjects, MUSICALITY!
Teaching musicality at festivals or workshops is fun and rewarding, especially when it is hands on, however there are limitations.
One, I can only paint and illustrate the elements of the music I'm highlighting with my words and/or demonstration. Two, the intricacies of the musical composition really go way beyond just counting to 8. Three, there's only so much information I can deliver between training our ears and the application of different drills and exercises in an hour.
The creation of this course allows me to delve into a lot more details that I'd never be able to in a live class because there's no time constraint. The second major benefit would be to utilize the technology of video animations to visualize musicality in different lenses. The third key benefit would be to allow you to consume the content at your own pace and to be able to revisit topics, techniques, exercises, etc. as many times as needed for your progress.
How you can support the creation of this course and also earn up to 50% off lifetime access when it is launched?
I'm glad you asked! A breakdown of the 5 steps of how you can support the creation of this course AND earn up to 50% off lifetime access to this course at the same time is laid out below!
Step 1: Fill out email sign up list.
Step 2: Confirm your subscription in your email inbox.
Step 3: Purchase a pre-sale spot for $27, this is limited to only 40 spots!
(Earns 25% off)
Step 4: Fill out the pre-course survey via Google Forms.
(Earns another 25% off)
Step 5: Stay tuned for updates!
If you are curious about what topics will be covered in the course, I got you! Below is a list of the topics that will be covered so far in the first round of video recording. When you fill out the pre-course survey, I will use the topics and feedback you provide as a guidelines for future content to this ever-growing library of musicality content.
If you noticed that I used the words "lifetime access" earlier it is because once you invest in the course you will have access to all the current content AND future content that I will create as I learn more and continue to get feedback for additional content around musicality for dancers!
Check out the list of content so far below!
Course Outline - Round 1
- The World of Music from a Bird's Eye View
- Beats Per Minute
- Time Signatures
- The Mathematical Structure of Music (Multiplication & Subdivision)
- Duration, frequency, & patterns of sound
- Song Composition
- Musical Element Targeting & Isolation
- Multiple Musicality Worksheets & Sample Songs
- Lyrical Interpretation
- Overall Minor & Major Keys
- Sharps versus Flats
- The 4 Basic Elements of Sound
- Basic Music Theory Definition
- Textures of Sound
- Triplets & Syncopations
- Common Instructional Approaches to Number Breakdowns
- In the Studio with DJs, Producers, & Composers
- & More Topics Based on Your Feedback!
OK, I'm in where do I sign up to take part in this musicality awesomeness?
Great! The first step is the click the button below and enter your email and the second super important step is to check your inbox (and possibly your spam folder) to confirm your email info.
After you confirm your email info you will get another email from me automatically that will have the links to the pre-course survey (that earns you 25% off) and to pre-sale link (that earns you another 25% off, for a total of 50% off).
From there, you will get periodic updates from me as I'm continuing to script, film, and edit the videos for the course until the official launch date.
Thank you in advance for your feedback and support! LET'S DO THIS!
I'm ready to level up my musicality!