What is this podcast about?
The WhereCanWeDance.com Podcast is a podcast that was created to inspire dancers worldwide whose hearts have been touched by music and dance. The universal language of dance is spoken by many of us around the world, uniting us together. We want to motivate the dancer in you by sharing stories, insights, and ideas to enhance your journey.
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I really love hearing from listeners of the podcast! I want to start featuring questions and comments from the listeners around the world! If you have any thoughts on this episode, or if you have a topic or question you’d like for me to discuss send me an email or audio message to
charles@neokizomba.com. Also, feel free to jump in my DMs on Instagram at @mr.neokiz!
Who am I?
I am a danceprenuer (instructor, event organizer, DJ, mentor, & podcaster) that primarily works in the kizomba scene. I also run an online membership site for kiz tutorials dedicated to helping kiz dancers around the world level up their kiz skills at
My links:
Learntokiz Facebook Group