Release Date:
August 31, 2016
019: Interview with Johnny Ramos
In this episode, with my special guest Johnny Ramos (considered by some the father of ghetto zouk) talks about his journey into singing, rapping, producing, and becoming an icon in the kizomba world.
- Online Kizomba lessons at Learntokiz.com!
- The Super Bowl of Urban Kiz Festivals in North America, The Neo Kizomba Festival!
Intro Song:
- Ta Bom – Johnny Ramos
Key Points:
- Cultural fusion, at times, has a lot to do with when and where you happen to be born.
- Inspiration has no boundaries.
- Fight your dreams all in, especially in the music industry.
Links Mentioned:
- Tu E Eu (Corpo E Alma Album) Official Video
- Da Mas Uma Chance – Johnny Ramos & Milena Taveres
- Ilusao – Milena Taveres feat. Johnny Ramos
- Bo Amor Ta Completam – Johnny Ramos
- Ula – Splash (the group Milena Taveres was a part of)
- Mae – Johnny Ramos (another big hit)
- Largal – Johnny Ramos (the 1st song to use the words ghetto zouk)
Johnny Ramos Links