Release Date:
June 7, 2017
047: How Dance Is Improving The Lives Of People With Parkinsons
In this episode, I interview Kristen Sowalsky, DC, PhD who has done a lot of research focusing on optimizing therapies and alternative treatment strategies to improve mobility in people with Movement Disorders, primarily individuals with Parkinsonism.
- Online Kizomba lessons at Learntokiz.com!
- The Super Bowl of Urban Kiz Festivals in North America, The Neo Kizomba Festival!
Intro Song:
- Staying Alive – BeeGees
Key Points:
- Kristen is an awesome example of combining of her academic and dance passion to benefit the lives of others.
- Kristen’s research has shown music has a higher impact of movement improvement because music inspires emotion over just using a metronome.
Links Mentioned: