Release Date:
December 28, 2016
034: 2016 In Review
In this episode, I reflect on the highlights and lessons learned in 2016 with the life of a danceprenuer from my traveling schedule, podcast, Neo Kizomba Festival, and more.
- Online Kizomba lessons at Learntokiz.com!
- The Super Bowl of Urban Kiz Festivals in North America, The Neo Kizomba Festival!
Intro Song:
- 3D by Twenty Fingers
Key Points:
- I am super grateful to be be to travel for more than half the year doing what I love!
- Thank you to all of you listeners for tuning in more than 10,000 times!
- It is totally possible to make a living doing something you love!
Links Mentioned:
- Over 10,000 Listens in 2016! Thank You!

The Top 3 Most Listened to Podcasts of 2016
- [PODCAST] Interview with Kwenda Lima
- [PODCAST] What It Means to Follow Like A Boss with Laura Riva
- [PODCAST] How Important Are The Basics In Kizomba with Laurent Yishu
Most Listened to Soundcloud Mix of 2016: Neokiz Pump It Up Mix Number 2
Links Mentioned
- [PODCAST] Neo Kizomba Festival 2016 Recap
- Official FB Event for the 3rd Annual Neo Kizomba Festival
- Neokiz Bronze! Free 15 Minute Facebook Live Lessons
- Free 1 Hour Urban Kizomba Facebook Live Class