Release Date:
October 23, 2018
060: Is Kizomba A Bad Addiction or Healthy Nourishment? With Anna Andersson
In this episode, I join Anna Anderson, to talk about the addictive and nourishing qualities of dancing kizomba.
- Online Kizomba lessons at Learntokiz.com!
- The Super Bowl of Urban Kiz Festivals in North America, The Neo Kizomba Festival!
Intro Song:
Key Points:
- Oxytocin is something that we are exposed to as newborns.
- Self-awareness is needed to determine how much kizomba you need in your life.
- Balance is key as with everything in life.
Resources Mentioned:
- [BLOG] Crazy About Kizomba by Anna
- [PODCAST] Kizomba & The 5 Love Languages
- [PODCAST] Male Touch in our Society
Follow Anna:
- Anna on Instagram: @annathekiz
- Anna on Facebook: Anna’s Facebook Page
- Anna on the Web: http://annathefringe.com/