Release Date:
October 27, 2016
027: Kizomba And The 5 Love Languages
In this episode, my special guest, Emily Bartholomew and myself delve into how the 5 love languages correlate with our love for kizomba. We also reveal the results of the survey I did among kizomba lovers about their top love languages!
- Online Kizomba lessons at Learntokiz.com!
- The Super Bowl of Urban Kiz Festivals in North America, The Neo Kizomba Festival!
Intro Song:
- Real Love Cover by Jess Glynne by Mary J. Blidge
Key Points:
- We should teach the value of self-awareness and self-love at an earlier age in society.
- Dancing kizomba can fill your physical touch and quality time love tanks without the complexities of a relationship.
- We should live in a society where people are inspired to find the reason why they were born and contribute those gifts to the world.
Links Mentioned:
- [BOOK] Emotional Equations by Chip Conley
- [BOOK] The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman
- [SURVEY] Participate In the 5 Love Languages Project For Kizombeiros
Survey Results As Of 10-26-2016